Analysis Of Hotel Parking Characteristics And Needs In Lampung (Case Study: Horison Hotel Lampung)
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Horison Lampung Hotel is a three-star hotel in Bandar Lampung City.Hotel facilities must have criteria that can fulfill the requirements for the establishment of a hotel,one of which is the parking facility.Currently the Horison hotel has provided a parking area,but if there is a failure to provide adequate parking facilities,it will cause obstruction of traffic on the road around the hotel.This study is intended to determine parking characteristics,parking needs and parking capacity at Horison Lampung hotel.The data used is obtained from field surveys in form of data on the number of parking units and vehicle entry and exit data while other data is obtained from the hotel in the form of parking area layout and daily data in and out of vehicles in 24 hours.The analysis results show that the average duration of four-wheeled vehicles is 444 minutes and two-wheeled vehicles is 313 minutes.The four-wheeled parking turnover rate is 1.89 vehicles/SRP/hour,for two-wheeled vehicles it is 1.56vehicles/SRP/hour.The maximum four-wheel parking index is 17.67%,for two-wheelers is 57.33%.The parking space capacity of four-wheeled vehicles is 322 vehicles/24 hours,for two-wheeled vehicles is 900 vehicles/24 hours.The parking space requirement for four-wheeled vehicles is 126 SRP while for two-wheeled vehicles is 51 SRP.This shows that the existing parking plots are in accordance with the needs and even exceed the number of parking plots from the analysis.
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